Spanish-American War

Medal of Honor Recipients from Wisconsin during the Spanish-American War

This page contains the names of all the Medal of Honor Recipients from Wisconsin during the Spanish-American War that I have found. Please note that some of these Recipients are not officially accredited to Wisconsin. I have listed Recipients who were born in Wisconsin or lived in Wisconsin when they entered service; the U.S. Military may use different criteria.

Read here of the deeds of these brave heroes and do not forget them!

The names which are preceded by an asterisk denote posthumous awards.
This table lists the recipients by date, they are listed alphabetically below.

Private Brookin, Oscar

PFC Oscar Brookin

1 July 1898

Born in Byron, Wisconsin; Entered service at Green County, Ohio Company C, 17TH U.S. Infantry Regiment Awarded for action at El Caney, Cuba
Oscar Brookin
Oscar Brookin Grave

Rank and organization: Private, Company C, 17TH U.S. Infantry Regiment.
Place and date: At El Caney, Cuba, 1 July 1898.
Entered service at: Green County, Ohio.
Birth: Byron, Wisconsin.
Date of issue: 21 June 1899.

Citation: “Gallantly assisted in the rescue of the wounded from in front of the lines and under heavy fire from the enemy.” Citation from U.S. Army Center of Military History.